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Undergraduate program

The department is host of combined two undergraduate programs: Chemical Engineering and Materials Engineering. The department has its devotion to undergraduate education and its dedication to the pursuit of excellence. Our faculty, staff, facilities and courses training all make an undergraduate career in our department an enlightening experience. The department graduates 50 bachelors in Chemical Engineering and Materials Engineering each year.
Chemical and Materials Engineering department in CGU is one of few programs available in Universities at Taiwan offering comprehensive training of engineering materials & chemical engineering in a single department. The relatively large core courses in the undergraduate program are team taught by several faculty members with many years industry experience. The foundation of first and 2nd year basic courses and the sequential advanced courses in sophomore and senior year provide a well-structured course networks for students to develop their oriented backgrounds based on their interest and aptitude. They may choose several structured sequential courses programs to own the background in petrochemical and special chemicals industry, the green manufacturing technology, environmental engineering, electronic materials and technology and biomedical and biochemical engineering.
The professor lectures, the weekly discussion class and problem-solving meeting in office hours with faculty member offer teaching approaches for the students and faculty in closer contact. In addition to hands-on computer and experimental laboratories, all students are requested to participate the 8 weeks " Practice School " in the summer of the sophomore year in gaining the company experience and technical experience in industry. They have opportunities of on-campus research experience with faculty in their senior year and of technical experience in industry through part-time jobs, internships or co-op programs with Formosa Plastics Group. Our graduates, with their solid engineering skills, analytical minds, and training in problem-solving ability are qualified candidates to many sectors of industry, to graduate school, or to medical or law careers.
What is Chemical Engineering?
The chemical engineer develops a chemical process from its laboratory beginning through semi-works equipment to full-scale production. Chemical engineering is based on applications of chemistry, biology, physics, materials science, mathematics and economics. The chemical engineering curriculum includes the study of applied mathematics; material and energy balances; properties and physics of gases, liquids, and solids; fluid mechanics; heat and mass transfer; thermodynamics; chemical and biological reaction kinetics and reactor design; and the integrating subjects of process design, control, and economic optimization. Chemical engineering deals with operations such as materials handling,mixing, fluid flow and metering, extrusion, coating, heat exchange, filtration, drying, evaporation, distillation, absorption, extraction, ion exchange, combustion, catalysis, and processing in chemical and biochemical reactors. These operations are vital to the commercial success of industries based on the chemical and physical transformation of matter.
What do Chemical Engineers do?
Because many industries are based on chemical and physical transformation of matter, the chemical engineer is in great demand. He or she may work in a variety of fields and professions:
  • in the manufacture of inorganic products such as acids, alkalis, ammonia, fertilizers, paint pigments, ceramics, semiconductors and other electronic materials;
  • in the manufacture of organic products such as polymer fibers, films, coatings, textiles, cellulose, paper, dyes, explosives, rubber, rocket propellants, solvents, plastics, agricultural chemicals, pharmaceuticals, coal-based fuels and petrochemicals;
  • in the manufacture of materials such as graphite, calcium carbide, abrasives, or those in wet and dry batteries, fuel cells and more complex materials systems;
  • in the electroplating, metallurgical and materials processing industries;
  • in food processing;
  • in the fermentation industry for the production of antibiotics, feed supplements and other biochemical products;
  • in the field of biotechnology, where applications range from utilization of the activities of microorganisms and cultured cells, to enzyme engineering, to the manufacture of foods, and in the biomedical field to the design of prosthetic devices and artificial human organs.
Chemical engineers are also particularly well suited for dealing with problems associated with the disposal of industrial wastes and other forms of pollution, as well as with environmental protection. And of course chemical engineering underlies most of the energy field, including the efficient production and utilization of coal, petroleum, natural gas, tar sand, oil shale, geothermal deposits, and nuclear energy.
What is Materials Engineering?
Advances in technology and improvements in our quality of life are linked to the development of engineering materials. For example, high purity silicon makes it possible to have miniaturized electronics and high speed computers; strong, light-weight alloys increase the fuel efficiency of cars; polymeric contact lenses are available as an alternative to traditional eyewear; and ceramic space shuttle tile have helped to revolutionize space travel. How were engineering materials such as these selected? What physical properties of the candidate materials influenced the choices? How can the materials be manufactured into the needed size and shape? These are questions for a materials scientist or materials engineer.
Materials scientists and engineers are trained to develop new and improved materials for engineering applications. They know how to measure a material's properties, characterize its structure and determine how properties and structure are affected by the conditions of use. Materials scientists and engineers are also involved in the design of the manufacturing processes used to fabricate the engineering materials into components or products.
A Bachelor's degree in Materials Engineering prepares you to be on the forefront of developing new materials and technology. Coursework in ME covers the structure, properties, processing and performance of engineering materials. An engineering material's structure is made up of atoms and molecules. The nature of the interatomic and intermolecular bonds and the way in which the atoms or molecules pack in the solid structure are responsible for many of the differences in materials properties. For example, differences in bonding explain why most metals are good conductors of electricity and most ceramics are not. Structure on a larger scale (microstructure) influences properties as well. Characterization methods, including atomic force microscopy and light microscopy, allow us to image structural features down to an atomic scale and up to the millimeter level. A host of physical properties are of interest to materials scientists and engineers, including mechanical properties, such as strength and ductility, and electrical properties, such as conductivity. In addition, an engineer may need to know about the magnetic, optical, thermal and chemical properties of material. For any engineering material to be used, it must be fabricated or processed into the necessary shape and size. The way in which a material is processed determines its structure and therefore influences its properties. Students in the ME program gain an appreciation of the interrelationships between structure, properties and processing, and can contribute effectively to the development of new products and applications for materials.
What do Materials Engineering Professionals do?
Materials engineers are employed in many industries, including microelectronics, chemical industry, special chemicals, biomedical technology, consumer products and other material related industry. They may contribute to the engineering operations of a company or to a R&D team. In these jobs, they often work in groups with other engineers, such as mechanical and chemical engineers. They may also choose to use their scientific and engineering background to enter management, marketing, service or sales positions. Some choose to go on to graduate school to earn advanced engineering degrees or enter law or other professional degree programs.