
錢義隆 教授

 錢義隆 教授


  • 化工博士美國加州大學聖塔芭芭拉校區1985

  • 化工學士國立台灣大學 1977


  • 客座教授長庚大學化工與材料工程學系 (2022 至今)

  • 兼任教授國立灣大學化工系 (2022–至今)

  • 教授國立臺灣大學化工系 (2010–2022)

  • 教授國立臺灣科技大學化工系 (1999–2010)

  • 副教授國立臺灣科技大學化工系 (1997-1999)

  • 副教授私立長庚醫學暨工程學院化工系 (1993-1997)

  • 高級顧問工程師美國杜邦公司總工程部 (1985–1993)


  • 化工與能源程序之設計與控制

  • 分離系統之設計與控制

  • 高分子程序之模擬與最適化操作

  • 批式與半批式程序之模擬與最適化操作


  • Included in Research.com's 2023 Ranking of Best Scientists -  Engineering and Technology.

  • Associate Editor, Journal of Process Control (2021 impact factor 3.951), 2012-now

  • Included in 2023 World Top 2% Scientists – Career, doi: 10.17632/btchxktzyw.6

  • Included in 2023 World Top 2% Scientists – Single year, doi: 10.17632/btchxktzyw.6

  • Highly Prolific Authors, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2017.

  • Excellence in Review Award, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019

  • Keynote Speaker, 11th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering (PSE2012), Singapore, July 15-19, 2012.


電話: (03)-2118800 Ext 5488

Email: ilungchien@mail.cgu.edu.tw

研究室: 程序系統工程實驗室










For a complete listing of publications, please visit  Google Scholar

  1. Z.-Y. Yang, B.-Y. Yu*, I. L. Chien, "An environmentally benign, energy intensified single-column side stream extractive distillation (SC-SSED) process for Acetone/n-heptane separation", J. Taiwan Inst. Chem. Engrs., 2023, 149, 105018.

  2. B.-Y. Yu*, I. L. Chien, “Novel Temperature-Control Strategy for Single Column Side-Stream Extractive Distillation Process with Intermediate-Boiling Entrainer”, Sep. Purif. Technol., 2023, 310, 123163

  3. T.-W. Wu, H.-C. Hua, C.-T. Kuo, I. L. Chien*, “Novel Process Development of Hybrid Reactive-extractive Distillation System for the Separation of Cyclohexane/Isopropanol/Water Mixture with Different Feed Compositions”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2023, 62, 2080-2089

  4. T.-W. Wu, I. L. Chien*, “Novel control strategy of intensified hybrid reactive-extractive distillation process for the separation of water-containing ternary mixtures”, Sep. Purif. Technol., 2022, 294, 121159

  5. Y.-R. Zhang, T.-W. Wu, I. L. Chien*, “Energy-efficient Heterogeneous azeotropic distillation coupling with pressure swing distillation for the separation of IPA/DIPE/water mixture”, J. Taiwan Inst. Chem. Engrs., 2022, 130, 103843

  6. T.-W. Wu, I. L. Chien*, “A novel energy-efficient process of converting CO2 to dimethyl ether with techno-economic and environmental evaluation”, Chem. Eng. Res. Des., 2022, 177, 1-12

  7. Y.-R. Zhang, T.-W. Wu, I. L. Chien*, “Intensified hybrid reactive-extractive distillation process for the separation of water-containing ternary mixtures”, Sep. Purif. Technol., 2021, 279, 119712

  8. M.-L. Tsai, Y.-R. Zhang, and I. L. Chien*, “Improved design of separation system for the recovery of benzene and isopropanol from wastewater”, Sep. Purif. Technol., 2021, 260, 1182227

  9. M.-L. Tsai, I. L. Chien*, “Design and control of an energy-efficient process for the separation of benzene/isopropanol/water ternary mixture”, Sep. Purif. Technol., 2021, 255, 117694

  10. K.-Y. Lin, M.-L. Tsai, I. L. Chien*, “Energy-efficient separation design of diisopropylether/isopropanol/water system having three distillation regions and liquid-liquid envelope”, Sep. Purif. Technol., 2020, 251, 117292

  11. M.-L. Tsai, Y.-H. Wang, I. L. Chien*, “Novel control strategy for maximum-boiling extractive distillation systems: acetone/chloroform separation”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2020, 59, 8740-8756


  1. W. L. Luyben, I. L. Chien, Design and Control of Distillation Systems for Separating Azeotropes, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2010

  2. D. C. Y. Foo, N. Chemmangattuvalappil, D. K. S. Ng, R. Elyas, C.-L. Chen, R. D. Elms, H.-Y. Lee, I. L. Chien, S. Chong, C. H. Chong, Chemical Engineering Process Simulation, Elsevier, Inc., 2017.

  3. W.-M. Lu, H.-P. Huang, C. C. Yu, I. L. Chien, Chemical Process Design (in Chinese), Gau Lih Book Company, 2011.

  4. W.-M. Lu, D.-M. Wang, W. C. Lee, D. S. H. Wong, J.-M. Chern, I. L. Chien, Y,-D. Tai, Chemical Unit Operation III (in Chinese), Gau Lih Book Company, 2012.