9月10-14日本系主辦2014 International Symposium on Chemical-Environmental-Biomedical Technology

Welcome to isCEBT 2014!

The Organizing Committee is pleased to cordially invite you to participate in the International Symposium on Chemical-Environmental-Biomedical Technology (isCEBT 2014). The symposium will be held on September 10-14, 2014, at Chang Gung Health and Culture Village, Taoyuan, Taiwan. The venue is located in a quiet, beautiful suburban area. We will ensure the participants will have fruitful technology and information interchanges while enjoying the enriched life in a relaxed environment. The Organizing Committee is striving to organize this event and make it full of memorable Taiwanese experience. 

We hope that you will be able to join us at the isCEBT 2014 and have a wonderful and enjoyable time with your colleagues in the field of chemical, environmental, and biomedical technologies.

Honorary Chair
Chao-Sung Lai
Chang Gung Univ., Taiwan
Congress Chairs
Shingjiang Jessie Lue and
Chia-Liang Sun